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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine shared the videos and images of captured Russian soldiers. The Russian soldiers in the interrogation said that they were deceived and said, “There was a drill, that's why we came here.”

Sunday, 20 February 2022 19:21

Words of Selection by Soner Yalçın!

Yılmaz Özdil, one of the leftists' spin-doctors, was in my personal field of interest. Now someone new has joined my field of interest; the only one of its kind, Soner Yalçın.

Soner Yalçın wrote an article called Dreams and Realities and pointed out that he claims that we live in a fantasy world and that we ignore the facts.

“Unfortunately, this beautiful country is constantly in crisis because it cannot face the facts…”

He revealed that we are dreaming through the congresses held by Retired General Adnan Tanrıverdi and ASSAM-Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center.

Not only in Turkey! But the world is united for four young people. The courtyard of Fatih Mosque witnessed a caravan of martyrs, where hundreds of people from all walks of life, from every community, from every society and from every institution came together.

When we heard about this tragic accident, we as a whole ummah were saddened. Every member of the ummah burst into tears.

In this sense, we went to the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, the common meeting point of our four young people, to express our condolences. Although days passed, we witnessed that IHH Central Office hosted dozens of guests.

Friday, 03 December 2021 12:29

Metin Gürcan and the Truth Behind Him

Whenever there is someone who tries to do something good in our country, they are either eliminated or defamed.

Just a few days ago, when four heroic young IHH Volunteers were martyred in a bad traffic accident on the road to Bursa, the technology murders of the past came to mind.

Assassinations of ASELSAN engineers, Turkish Scientists assassinated in THY's Isparta Plane crash, Assassinations of Hablemitoğlu and Eşref Bitlis…

These were all damages to Turkey's arising goals.

However, they failed. The science heroes who say, “We die as one, we born thousand”, broke the bad luck of the Turkish nation with the technology they put forth.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021 11:42

We Should not Resign Our Own Flag!

Days, months, years and even centuries... They all are mirrors. These mirrors have two faces; The inner side where the truth is hidden, and the other face that shows what is reflected from the truth.  The face in which the truth is hidden lives the Golden Age. It shows the standards of humanity that our Lord likes and deems appropriate for us and that he keeps us alive through the Companions of the Prophet. 

Using the Twin Towers attacks of September 11, 2001 as an excuse, the USA launched an operation against Al-Qaeda, which it held responsible for these attacks, and carried the cross-border of US war to Afghanistan. The September 11 attacks became the milestone of the global terror struggle. “US President George W. Bush, in his “address to the nation” (CNN, 2001b) speech on September 15, 2001, four days after the attacks, said, “We are at war, there is a war waged by terrorists against America, and we will respond to it. We will find out who did these things and we will bring them to justice by pulling them out of their hideouts.” (BBC, 2011)[i]

For the last month, the Turkish public has been talking about the statements of Sedat Peker, whose name is associated with the mafia and the leader of an organization. On this occasion, when I was invited to a TV program to talk about this issue, I watched the first five videos very quickly. And then the sixth and seventh videos…

The book has been published by ASSAM "Mediterranean Issue: a Current Overview of the Eastern Mediterranean Issue" written by Ersan ERGÜR, Vice President of ASSAM.

Thursday, 08 April 2021 12:43

A Classic by Yılmaz Özdil

After graduating from the Turkish Military Academy in 1990, a force commander defending modern science in the modern world had published a text called "Who is Atatürk?". At every barracks he went to for inspection purposes, he would ask "Who is Atatürk?” all the personnel, from the rank of private to the battalion commander.

Friday, 22 January 2021 12:13

SADAT DEFENSE and Proxy Wars (3)

This article you will read constitutes the third and last of our articles titled SADAT Defense and Proxy Wars. Although SADAT Defense is a defense consultancy company, unlike the private military companies of western imperialist countries, it does not create blood and tears in the countries they serve in, and operates the activities as a guarantee of peace and tranquility.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021 10:56

SADAT Defense and Proxy Wars (2)

In our previous article, we tried to refer to the underlying reasons of those who direct their lies to SADAT Defense with an unconsciously and immorally. Now, we will talk about the method of proxy wars that the USA and its allies exacerbated in our region, after the World War II, especially after the Cold War and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the loss of Russia's former power.

Monday, 18 January 2021 15:29

SADAT Defense and Proxy Wars (1)

Western countries, which were devastated by the World War II, entered into a global agreement with each other in order to restore their economies, which were almost collapsed by the destructive effect of the war, and the European Union was born.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021 14:00

If You are Honest, Apply to Court!

As you know; after some unfounded news was published in the West, these unfounded news were accepted as evidence in the courts, parties were closed, workplaces were labeled as Islamic capital, the spiritual education centers that serve our children were closed one by one.

The Islamic geography, which was disbanded after the first World War, could not keep up with the era in self-recovery and development. t is a known fact that the basis of the sea supremacy established by the Genoese and Venetians, who had naval superiority in the Mediterranean, was the emergence of Grand Sailing Ships (Galleon) with smaller and faster galleys.

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