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Sunday, 20 March 2016 00:00

Defense Industry Cooperation Strategy

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SMEs help to keep the Armed Forces at the cutting-edge of technology. SMEs help to keep the Armed Forces at the cutting-edge of technology.

Problem While Entering the Market

The most difficult market for SMEs to enter is the defense industry market. Unlike SMEs in other sectors, they face two major obstacles when entering the market;

The first major obstacle is that the defense industry requires advanced technology and high technology is possible with large R&D investments. Even if companies have sufficient brain power and technology during the establishment phase, the return of the products they produce by gaining market share requires at least 3 times more initial capital of SMEs than ordinary sectors, since it takes much more time in the defense industry sector than in other sectors.

The second major obstacle is that the market is limited by the number of states around the world. In other words, thousands of companies produce for large and small two hundred and six hundred (one hundred and ninety-four UN-registered) countries and try to get a share from the tenders.

There are various state supports for companies operating in the defense industry in industrialized countries.

The British Government announced on 11 March 2016 that a new policy was announced by the Ministry of Defense to reduce bureaucratic obstacles in order to facilitate the activities of SMEs in the field of Defense.1 Thanks to this plan, SMEs are expected to save 25% in their procurement expenditures by 2020.

Main Indicator of Independence: Defense and Defense Industry

At the forefront of the independence indicators of the countries is their external dependence on defense and defense industry.2 The independence claim of a country of which defense is dependent on foreign countries cannot go beyond a vein hope.

It is as clear as daylight that the West, which caused the world to suffer two great World Wars, waged the undeclared World War III in the Middle East and Africa, especially in lands whose people are Muslims. Waiting for the UN to stop the bloodshed in these lands is something equal to waiting for the wolf to have mercy on the lamb. Finally, the Islamic World realized that salvation can only be from itself, and on 14 December 2015, Saudi Arabia announced the "Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism".3 It has been announced that 34 countries including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Turkey, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Djibouti, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Gabon, Guinea, Palestine, Comoros, Qatar, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Yemen have joined this alliance.

The exercise called North Thunder, which started on February 27, 2016 in Saudi Arabia with the participation of 20 countries included in the alliance, ended with a ceremony on March 10, 2016. The exercise, in which 200,000 soldiers from 20 countries participated, all the world came in out of the cold. The echoes of the Exercise North Thunder seem to continue for a long time. The official media channel of the exercise درع الوطن / Dira Alwatan / Homeland Shield broadcasted the exercise footage on Youtube.4

In order to fully implement the great importance of this initiative, which was started by Islamic countries in the field of defense, it is necessary to develop independent systems in the defense industry as well.

Storm Howitzers used by the Turkish Armed Forces against the PYD and DAESH in the past months and the KORAL - Mobile Electronic Warfare System developed by ASELSAN have been a milestone in the Syria policies of the USA and Russia.

Considering that the KORAL5 system is produced by ASELSAN together with 50 subcontractors, we can realize that our Presidency of Defense Industry encourages the production of the Turkish Defense Industry companies in a very strategic way to support the growth of the sector.

How can the Presidency of Defense Industry Department of Industrialization,6 one of the tasks of which is to “ensure the development of sub-industry and SMEs in the defense industry”, can be further paved in this area?

I think the Presidency of Defense Industry International Relations Department has already noticed the balances that the “Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism” has changed around the world and has already started working...

Joint Defense Industry!

In order to contribute to the studies on this subject, I think it is beneficial to mention the project that we are working on.

The way to achieve world peace is through the formation of the balance of power. The current balance has been moving against the Middle East and Africa region, where Islamic countries are located, for more than a century. The formation of the "Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism" has formed an initiative that will enable Islamic countries to return to their origins by upsetting the current balances.

It is very flattering to see that ASSAM's work on Defense and Defense Industry Alliance,7 one of the Strategic Research topics, has started to come to life today…8

savunma sanayi isbirligi 02

ASSAM published its studies on this subject in 2014 with its report titled “How will Peace be Established in the Islamic World?” in order to solve the crises in the region.9

savunma sanayi isbirligi 03

Within the same context, seminars on the Islamic World at the Target of the Global Attack10 were held. The Rapid Reaction Force,11 which is the subsidiary of the Crisis Management Center proposed by ASSAM, has been implemented today with the Exercise North Thunder, which is a work of the “Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism”.

In addition, it is important that the Defense Industry Alliance, which is one of ASSAM's concepts, should be implemented without any delay.12

Since the Defense Industry is one of the most private issues of countries, one of the biggest obstacles to companies that want to operate in the defense industry is the inadequacy of market needs analysis (for SMEs).

If market needs analysis - needs inventory - and SME production capabilities inventory are carried out by a higher institution, resources can be utilized with maximum efficiency.

Namely, it is necessary to form a defense industry inventory that includes the features of brand, model, production year (version), quantity, maintenance, repair, renewal, modernization needs of equipment and systems, as well as spare parts, consumables and ammunition consumption, used by 34 countries that are included in the Islamic alliance and even 60 Islamic countries registered to the UN. A similar system is used by NATO. NATO member countries can organize online tenders for their needs through this system; manufacturers can become members of this system by meeting certain criteria and exhibit their production to the armed forces of member countries and submit bids to tenders. Even if all kinds of defense industry products are produced by different manufacturers within the scope of NATO standardization, it becomes easier to take their place in the market with the common NATO stock codification.

60 Islamic countries meet almost all of their defense industry needs from western countries. If we consider that each of them has an average of 100 combat aircrafts (only Turkey has around 1100 combat aircrafts), we are talking about 6000 combat aircrafts, and if we assume that there are 1000 tanks in each, we are talking about 60,000 tanks. When we take into account the spare parts and consumables of all these combat equipment, you can understand that it is an unbelievably large market.

It should be ensured that these countries transfer the defense industry needs inventory of their armed forces and internal security organization to the online database to be formed by the Alliance of which they are members, through their defense ministries or the Presidencies of Defense Industry.

Standards should be established for each tool, equipment, weapon, ammunition, spare parts and consumables, and services such as technical works, maintenance, repair and consultancy, and classification and codification should be formed for them.

In parallel, the defense industry service and goods manufacturers of the same countries must also register in the same database with the approval of the relevant presidency or ministry, by providing the requirements and qualifications, and transfer all their productions to the database and transfer their capabilities to the inventory.

Today, similar systems are used very successfully in ordering flowers over the internet, even in automobile and real estate sales.

Without wasting any time, the member countries of the Islamic Alliance should establish this system among themselves. Thus, the international balance of power will be a little more balanced in their favor.


1) MOD smooths the way for companies to do business with Defence, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

2) Defense Industry Production Development Strategy, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

3) Joint statement on formation of Islamic military alliance to fight terrorism, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

4) Dira Alwatan | درع الوطن, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

5) Delivery of KORAL by ASELSAN, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

6) Department of Industrialization, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

7) Defense Alliance, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

8) ASSAM's Conception of Islamic Union Comes True, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

9) How will Peace be Established in the Islamic World?, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

10) The Islamic World at the Target of the Global Attack, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

11) Peacekeeping Force, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

12) Defense Industry Cooperation, Last Accessed on 20 March 2016,

Read 1006 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:36

 Türkçe (Türkiye) Arabic (اللغة العربية) English (United Kingdom)

Konya, Akşehir'li olan Melih TANRIVERDİ, 1968 yılında Üsküdar'da doğdu. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektronik Bölümü mezunu.

1990 yılında haberleşme sektöründe Bursa'nın önde gelen firmalarından birinde çalışmaya başladı. Henüz daha Türkiye'de cep telefonu kullanımı başlamamıştı. 1991 sonunda Hilal Telefon'u kurarak telefon, faks, telsiz telefon cihazları bakım onarımı teknik servis hizmeti vermeye başladı.

1995 - 1996 yıllarında 247nci Kısa Dönem olarak askerliğini Muhabere Elektronik Bilgi Sistemler (MEBS) Okulu ve Eğitim Merkezi Komutanlığı Mamak / Ankara'da yaptı.

1997'de AKM Telekomünikasyon'u kurdu. AKM Telekom 2003 yılında (Panasonic Türkiye Distribütörü) Tekofaks'ın Yetkili Servisi, 2009'da doğrudan Panasonic Yetkili Servisi oldu. 1997 - 2012 yılları arasında AEG, Hagenuk, Switel, Motorola başta olmak üzere bir çok markanın yetkili servisliğini yürüttü. AKM Telekom, TSE Hizmet Yeri Yeterlilik Belgesine sahip idi. Ağustos 2012'de firmayı devretti.

2004 yılında Bursa Elektronikçiler Odası Yönetim Kurulu üyeliğine seçildi. 2004 - 2012 yılları arasında Projelerden Sorumlu Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak aktif görev aldı.

Görev aldığı AB tarafından desteklenip finanse edilen projelerden bazıları şunlardır;

  1. İş Piyasasında Mekatronik Eğitiminin Önemi (Importance of Mechatronic Training in Labour Market)
  2. Küresel Kriz Döneminde Yeni İş Yerleri Oluşturmak İçin Yenilik Olarak Girişimcilik (Enterprise As Innovation to Create New Work Places at Time of Global Crisis - InnovaCreaWork)
  3. Tüm Olumsuzluklara Rağmen İngilizce Eğitimi (English Education Despite All the Negativities - EEDAN)

2004 - 2012 yılları arasında Bursa Elektronikçiler Odası İşletmelerüstü Elektronik Eğitim Merkezinde eğitmen ve yönetici olarak görev aldı.

  1. Bilgisayar Teknik Servis Elemanlığı
  2. Oto Elektroniği
  3. Elektronik Güvenlik Sistemleri Bakım Onarımı
  4. Telefon Santral Bakım Onarımı
  5. Cep Telefonu Teknik Servis Elemanlığı

konularında 360 saatten başlayıp 800 saatlere kadar uzanan kurslarda eğitmen ve yönetici olarak görev aldı. ÖSDP (Özelleştirme Sosyal Destek Projesi), MEGEP (Meslek Eğitimini Geliştirme Projesi), İŞKUR Meslek Edindirme Kursları gibi pek çok sosyal ağırlıklı eğitim projesinde görev aldı.

Tüm Türkiye'deki Esnaf Sanatkarlar veya Ticaret Odasına kayıtlı Elektronik ve bağlı branşlarında faaliyet gösteren meslektaşlarının teknik destek, şema, arıza notu, servis kılavuzu ihtiyacını karşılayabileceği interaktif online bir veritabanı uygulaması ve bilgi paylaşım forumları içeren platformunun kurulması ve işletilmesinde öncü ve aktif görev aldı.

Bursa Elektronikçiler Odası üyelerinin sunmakta oldukları hizmet ve satmakta oldukları ürünlerin ücretsiz olarak reklamlarını yapabildikleri online reklam uygulaması olan web sitesinin kurulmasında aktif ve öncü rol oynadı.

Kullanım dışı kalan her türlü elektronik cihazın toplanarak kayıt altına alındığı ve daha sonra tasnife tabi tutularak uygun olanların bakımdan geçtikten sonra ihtiyacı olan okullara hibe edildiği, ihtiyaç fazlası olanlar ile çalışmaz durumda olanların sökülerek kullanılabilir durumda olan parçaların online bir veritabanına fotoğrafları ve teknik özellikleri ile birlikte kaydedildikten sonra Bursa Elektronikçiler Odası üyesi elektronikçilere ücretsiz verilerek bakım onarım sektörüne bedelsiz yedek parça temini sağlayan Bursa Elektronikçiler Odasının Sosyal Sorumluluk Projelerinden biri daha olan Yeşil - Beyaz - Mavi isimli projede yine öncü ve aktif rol aldı. (Ayrıntılar için

2005 - 2012 yılları arasında Bursa ve İlçelerindeki Tüketici Hakem Heyetlerinde Telsiz Telefonlar, Cep Telefonlar, Kamera ve Fotoğraf Makineleri konularında Bilirkişi olarak görev yaptı.

2011 - 2012 yıllarında KOSGEB Bursa Hizmet Merkezi Müdürlüğü "İşbirliği Güçbirliği Destek Programı"nda Bursa Esnaf Odaları Birliği'ni temsilen Komisyon Üyesi olarak görev yaptı.

Eylül 2012'den beri SADAT Uluslararası Savunma Danışmanlık İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.'de yönetici olarak çalışmaktadır. Finans, İletişim ve Bilişim, İkmal ve Donatım Müdürlüklerinde bulundu. Mart 2013'te Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliğine seçildi. Ağustos 2016'ya kadar İdari Faaliyetler Genel Müdür Yardımcılığını da yürütmüştür. Ağustos 2016'da Yönetim Kurulu Başkanlığına getirilmiştir.

Şubat 2014 'te Trileçe Dünyası'nı kurarak gıda sektöründe Türkiye'nin ilk toptan Trileçe üretimine başladı. Firma yatırımları ile tatlıcılık ve pastacılık sektöründe ilerlemektedir. Ürünler İstanbul'un yanı sıra tüm Marmara ve Ege'ye ulaşmıştır.

Türkiye'de Savunma Sanayi Hizmet Sektörünün literatüre girmesi, Yeni Türkiye Yüzyılında Askeri Danışmanlık, Eğitim ve Lojistik alanında hizmet ihracının Türkiye'nin ihracatında hak ettiği yeri alması için çalışmalar yürüttü.

ASSAM Kurucu Üyesi ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesidir.

Evli, 3 çocuk babası, 8 torun dedesi olup İngilizce bilmektedir.


مليح تانريفردي

ولد في عام 1968 في أوسكودار. خريج كلية الهندسة بجامعة أولوداغ، قسم الإلكترونيات.

في عام 1990 بدأ العمل في واحدة من الشركات الرائدة بورصة في قطاع الاتصالات. في حين لم يبدأ استخدام الهاتف المحمول في تركيا. في نهاية عام 1991، أسس هلال تلفون وبدأ في تقديم الخدمات الفنية للهاتف والفاكس وصيانة معدات الهاتف اللاسلكي وإصلاحها.

بين عامي 1995 و1996، أدى خدمته العسكرية قصيرة المدة الدورة 247 في ماماك / أنقرة في مدرسة نظم المعلومات الإلكترونية للاتصالات وقيادة مركز التدريب.

في عام 1997، أسس شركة AKM للاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية. أصبحت شركة AKM Telekom في عام 2003 (موزع باناسونيك في تركيا) خدمة تكوفاكس المعتمدة، وأصبحت خدمة الصيانة المعتمدة من باناسونيك مباشرة في عام 2009. بين عامي 1997 و2012، عمل كخدمة معتمدة للعديد من العلامات التجارية، بما في ذلك AEG، هاغنوك، سويتل، موتورولا. كانت شركة AKM Telekom حاصلة على شهادة تأهيل مكان الخدمة من معهد الموصفات التركية. قام بنقل ملكية الشركة في أغسطس 2012.

وفي عام 2004، تم انتخابه عضواً في مجلس إدارة غرفة بورصة للإلكترونيات. وبين عامي 2004 و2012، عمل بنشاط كعضو في مجلس الإدارة المسؤول عن المشاريع.

بعض المشاريع التي يدعمها ويمولها الاتحاد الأوروبي تشمل؛

1. أهمية تعليم الميكاترونكس في سوق العمل (Importance of Mechatronic Training in Labour Market)

2. ريادة الأعمال والابتكار لخلق أعمال جديدة خلال الأزمة العالمية (Enterprise As Innovation to Create New Work Places at Time of Global Crisis - InnovaCreaWork)

3. تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية على الرغم من كل السلبيات (English Education Despite All the Negativities - EEDAN)

بين عامي 2004 و2012، عمل كمدرب ومدير في غرفة بورصة للإلكترونيات، مركز تدريب الإلكترونيات للأعمال.

1. موظفو خدمات الحاسوب التقنية

2. إلكترونيات السيارات

3. إصلاح وصيانة أنظمة الأمن الإلكتروني

4. إصلاح وصيانة مقسم الهاتف

5. موظفو الخدمة الفنية للهاتف المحمول

عمل كمدرب ومدير في دورات تتراوح من 360 ساعة إلى 800 ساعة. شارك في العديد من مشاريع التعليم ذات التوجه الاجتماعي مثل (مشروع الدعم الاجتماعي للخصخصة)، (مشروع تطوير التعليم المهني، دورات التدريب المهني في إيشكور.

وقد قام بدور رائد ونشط في إنشاء وتشغيل منصة، والتي تتضمن تطبيق قاعدة بيانات تفاعلية عبر الإنترنت ومنتديات لتبادل المعلومات حيث يمكن للزملاء العاملين

في الإلكترونيات والفروع التابعة المسجلة لدى غرفة الحرفيين أو التجارة في جميع أنحاء تركيا تلبية الحاجة إلى الدعم الفني، والتخطيطات، وملاحظات الأخطاء، وأدلة الخدمة.

وقد لعب دوراً نشطاً ورائداً في إنشاء موقع الإلكتروني، وهو تطبيق إعلاني عبر الإنترنت حيث يمكن لأعضاء غرفة بورصة للإلكترونيين الإعلان عن الخدمات التي يقدمونها والمنتجات التي يبيعونها مجاناً.

أخذ دورا رائدا ونشطا في المشروع المسمى أخضر- أبيض- أزرق وهو أحد مشروعات المسئولية الاجتماعية لغرفة بورصة للإلكترونيات حيث يتم جمع جميع أنواع الأجهزة الإلكترونية غير المستخدمة وتسجيلها ثم تصنيفها وإعطائها للمدارس المحتاجة بعد اجتياز الأجهزة المناسبة للصيانة، الفائض منها التي يمكن تفكيكها في حالة أولئك الذين لا يعملون مع قاعدة بيانات على شبكة الإنترنت من الأجزاء المتاحة والصور والمواصفات الفنية بعد حفظها جنبا إلى جنب مع بورصة، والذي يوفر قطع غيار مجانية لقطاع الصيانة والإصلاح من خلال منحه مجانًا لأعضاء الإلكترونيات في غرفة الإلكترونيات في بورصة. (للتفاصيل

بين عامي 2005 و 2012، عمل كخبير في الهواتف اللاسلكية والهواتف المحمولة والكاميرات وأجهزة التصوير في لجان تحكيم المستهلكين في بورصة ومناطقها.

وفي الفترة 2011-2012، عمل كمفوض يمثل اتحاد غرف النقابات في بورصة في "برنامج دعم التعاون" في مديرية مركز خدمات بورصة KOSGEB.

منذ سبتمبر 2012، يعمل كمدير في شركة صادات الدولية للاستشارات الدفاعية والصناعة والإنشاءات والتجارة. كان يعمل في إدارات المالية والاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والتوريد والمعدات. تم انتخابه لمجلس الإدارة في مارس 2013. كما شغل منصب نائب المدير العام للأنشطة الإدارية حتى أغسطس 2016. تم تعيينه رئيسا لمجلس الإدارة في أغسطس 2016.

في فبراير 2014، أسس شركة دنيا التريلجة وبدأ أول إنتاج تركي للتجزئة لحويات التريلجة في قطاع الأغذية. تتقدم الشركة باستثماراتها في قطاع الحلويات والمعجنات. وصلت منتجات الشركة إلى إسطنبول وكذلك مرمرة وبحر إيجة بالكامل.

وهو عضو مؤسس وعضو مجلس إدارة أصّام.

متزوج وله 3 أطفال ويتحدث الإنجليزية.


Melih TANRIVERDİ, who is from Akşehir, Konya, was born in Üsküdar / İstanbul in 1968. He graduated from Uludağ University Engineering Faculty Electronics Department.

In 1990, he started to work in one of the leading companies in Bursa in the telecommunication sector. The use of mobile phones has not yet started in Turkey. At the end of 1991, he established the company named Hilal Telefon and started to provide technical service for telephone, fax, wireless telephone maintenance and repair.

Between 1995 and 1996, he did his 247th Short Term Military Service in Mamak / Ankara at the School of Communications Electronics and Information Systems and Training Center Command.

He established “AKM Telekomünikasyon” in 1997. AKM Telekom became Tekofaks' Authorized Service in 2003 (Panasonic Turkey Distributor) and then it became Panasonic Authorized Service in 2009. Between 1997 and 2012, he carried out the authorized service of many brands including AEG, Hagenuk, Switel and Motorola. AKM Telekom had TSI (Turkish Standards Institution) Service Place Competence Certificate. He handed over the company in August 2012.

In 2004, he was elected as a member of the Bursa Chamber of Electronics' Board of Directors. Between 2004 and 2012, he took an active role as a Project Officer Board of Directors Member.

Some of the projects which is supported and funded by the EU he took part in are as follows;

  1. Importance of Mechatronic Training in Labour Market
  2. Enterprise as Innovation to Create New Work Places at Time of Global Crisis - InnovaCreaWork
  3. English Education Despite All the Negativities - EEDAN

Between 2004 and 2012, he worked as an instructor and manager in Bursa Chamber of Electronics, Supreme Electronic Training Center.

  1. Computer Technical Service Personnel
  2. Auto Electronics
  3. Electronic Security Systems Maintenance and Repair
  4. Telephone Switchboard Maintenance and Repair
  5. Mobile Phone Technical Service Personnel

He worked as an instructor and manager in abovementioned courses ranging from 360 hours to 800 hours. He took part in many social education projects such as Privatization Social Support Project, Vocational Education Development Project, İŞKUR Vocational Training Courses.

He was a pioneer and active in the establishment and operation of the platform, which includes an interactive online database application and information sharing forums where colleagues operating in electronics and affiliated branches registered in the Merchants, Craftsmen or Chamber of Commerce in Turkey can meet the need for technical support, schematics, fault notes, service manuals.

He played an active and pioneering role in the establishment of the website, a free of charge and online advertising application where members of the Bursa Chamber of Electronics can advertise the services they offer and the products they are selling.

All kinds of electronic devices that are out of use are collected and recorded, and then the appropriate ones are donated to the schools in need after the maintenance, the ones that are in need and the ones that are inoperable can be disassembled into an online database with photographs and technical specifications after being registered. He played a pioneering and active role in the Green - White - Blue project, which is one of the Social Responsibility Projects of the Bursa Chamber of Electronics, which provides free spare parts to the maintenance and repair sector by providing free spare parts to the electronics members of the Bursa Chamber of Electronics. (For detailed information,

Between 2005 and 2012, he worked as an Expert on Wireless Phones, Mobile Phones and Cameras in Consumer Arbitration Committees in Bursa and its Districts.

Between 2011 and 2012, he served as a commission member representing Bursa Chamber of Craftsman Union in KOSGEB Bursa Service Center Directorate Cooperation Power Union Support Program.

Since September 2012, he has been working as a manager at SADAT International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Inc. He worked in Finance, Communication and Informatics, Supply and Equipment Managements. In March 2013, he was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors. Until August 2016, he also served as the Deputy General Manager of Administrative Activities. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors in August 2016.

In February 2014, he founded Trileçe Dünyası and started first wholesale Tres Leches production in Turkey in the food sector. The company is advancing in the sweet and pastry sector with its investments. The products have reached the entire Marmara and Aegean regions as well as Istanbul.

He carried out studies for the Defense Industry Service Sector in Türkiye to enter the literature and for the export of services in the field of Military Consultancy, Training and Logistics in the New Turkish Century to take its deserved place in Türkiye's exports.

He is Founding Member and Board of Directors Member of ASSAM.

He is married and has 3 children, 8 grandchildren. He can speak English.
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