Displaying items by tag: gaza declaration

Thursday, 21 November 2024 10:12

Participated in ASSAM Islamic World NGO's Fair '24

The genocide that is being carried out in Palestine today, by bleeding consciences, by broadcasting live on TV and social media, by devastating the world's public opinion, and which is eventually spreading to the entire Middle East via Lebanon and Syria, is sending a message to the entire world by aiming for a regional war.

The message the United States of America is giving to the whole world regarding this genocide it is carrying out on the cursed Jewish people in Palestine is;

This genocide will continue as long as I want and you cannot stop it!

This genocide will continue with the same level of brutality that I allow, and you cannot stop it!

None of you are independent, whatever I say goes!

You have no choice but to surrender to me or die!

I can even make death a nightmare for you!

Published in News