"It is clear that Islamic insurance will strengthen the social and cultural solidarity actions between Islamic countries and the political and economic cooperation between them."
In a process that we describe as "Shari-political reasoning", different power centers observe the state's progress, the state of affairs, which usually starts with the finding of an alternative to the sultan who has been dismissed due to legal or other reasons, turns into action, in other words, when this new person finds military / bureaucratic support." (Kavak, 2019)
“Daha iyi olan, iyinin düşmanıdır.” (Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien) sözü, haddizatında aslen bankacı olan ve dolayısıyla sömürücü/faizci kapitalist sistemin temsilcisi olan Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron’a ait değildir. Bu söz, esasında Fransız düşünür Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778) tarafından kullanılmıştır. Peki, Batı dünyasında atasözü hâline dönüşmüş bu ifade ne anlama geliyor? Bu atasözünün bir değil duruma veya niyete göre iki anlamı var:
This article, which is the first part of series of article, will begin by briefly addressing the main issues that the series will address in order to shed light on the articles to come. Accordingly, the main goal of the series will be to outline the Sokoto Caliphate established in Nigeria - which was established in the early 19th century and was in effect until the early 20th century. In order to understand better the position of the established caliphate, previous states and religious structures in the region will be mentioned.
Islamic Government: It is a magnificent system in which believing, virtuous and competent people who will come to rule by way of elections will rule for a period of time to be determined in the light of revelation, common wisdom and scientific data, and its framework that encompasses the future.
Osmanlı Devlet-i Alisini anlamakta en çok zorlandığımız nokta bugün 40’a yakın ülkeye düşen topraklarda sayısız halk, din, mezhep, iktidar arzusu, düşmanlık, ekonomik çatışmaya karşın yüzyıllarca bu bölgelerde sömürge imparatorluğu ve talan olmaksızın hangi tekniklerle huzur ve refah oluşturabilmiş olduğudur.
The historic speech made by our President at the opening ceremony of Ibn Haldun University makes it compulsory to bring our “Spiritual Resurrection Move” proposal to the agenda again, which we made two months ago in this column.
Some quotes from the statement:
Where is the final destination in human history, where there seems to be a movement from small towns to villages, cities, states and supra-state sovereignty? Groups, communities, societies, states and most importantly individuals; In what position will they be in this change process? What moves will determine whether pawns or queens will exist longer on this chessboard, which is not made up of sixty-four squares?
Türkiye’den sonraki ikinci en büyük Türk devleti Özbekistan hükümeti Özbek dilini 10 yıl içinde hem hakim hale getirip hem de tamamen Latin alfabesine geçecek. Burada Türkçe ve Özbek Türkçesini karşılaştırıyoruz. Bakalım anlayabilecek misiniz?
With the emergence of DAESH, the language used by the dominant demonic order in the world is not only used to justify attacks and massacres, invasions and violations, but also to paralyze the thought of the Islamic world.
The Pope, leader of the Catholics, the largest group of Christianity, is on the verge of putting same-sex marriages in church teaching and blessing homosexuals.
No one supported the Turkic Uyghur Muslims, and now the pressure on the Chinese Muslims has begun.
When China and Muslims are mentioned, we think of the oppressed Uighurs, who are the brotherly Turkic society, and partly Turkic peoples such as Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Salar. However, we know very little that the number of Chinese Muslims in China has higher number than the Turks, they can be found easily all over China. Unfortunately, the persecution started against them today.
Konumu açısından büyük önemi olan Ürdün, İngiliz bağlantılı kraliyet ailesi ve İsrail uydusu siyasetine yükselen tepkilere sert cevap vermeye başladı
Arabistan yarımadası, Kuzey Arabistan ve Kuzey Afrika bölgelerini birbirine bağlayan stratejik önemdeki Ürdün, dünyanın her yerindeki uygulanan taktiklerle, İngiliz oyunları, Batıyatapar hâkim sınıf ve ezilen Müslüman halk arasında kalmış bir kardeş ülke.
The Western world and Asia, have launched an attack on Muslims and Islam from all channels such as media, thought, attacks, political decisions, new laws, and arts. As Muslims, we are not aware of this.