Thursday, 16 January 2020 00:00

Who is this Rıfat Serdaroğlu?

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ASSAM Vice President of Board of Directors Ersan Ergür published an article titled "Who is this Rıfat Serdaroğlu?" in response to Rıfat Serdaroğlu's indecent, immoral and disrespectful article.

Thursday, 16 January 2020 00:00

Legal Process Has Began for “Mahdi” News for Abuse

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In the 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress on ASRIKA Joint Defense Industry Production, a text of disclaimer was sent to websites named, and, which made false news about the “Mahdi” statement in the speech made by Adnan Tanrıverdi.

Monday, 13 January 2020 00:00

Can Bright Ideas Fit into Narrow Minds?

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As it is understood from the name ASSAM… Oh sorry, when you write with such abbreviations, people who are disable of reading and research cannot understand, right! Let us write it clearly. ASSAM - Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center, as its name suggests it is a STRATEGIC STUDIES CENTER… In other words, we are talking about a center that conducts studied in the field of Social Sciences. Here, we define the scientific position of ASSAM. Of course, ASSAM also has an institutional dimension, on this side ASSAM carries out its institutional structuring as an association.

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Islamic geography has been placed under a systematic terror siege. Especially in the last quarter of century, subcontractor terrorist fronts were deployed one after another. Different sects and races came to attack each other. Muslims whose goals and integrity are being torn apart, their sense of solidarity and their potential for resistance are being rasped by terror.

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19-20 Aralık 2019 Tarihlerinde yapılan, ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi konulu 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi'nde ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından yapılan açılış konuşması tam metni
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The 3rd ASSAM Islamic Union Congress was held in Istanbul on December 19-20, 2019 under the leadership of President of ASSAM Adnan TANRIVERDİ.

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Commentating on why Turkey should send troops to Libya, ASSAM Security and Strategy Specialist Ersan Ergur told Akit Newspaper, “Turkey does not go there to fight and shed blood. Turkey is going there to protect the UN-recognised government from terrorist attacks.”

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Nowadays Libya occupies our agenda mostly... ASSAM Strategy and Security Specialist Ali Coşar, by explaining the importance of Turkey's soldier deployment resolution and continental shelf agreement, said, “The security of the country starts outside our borders. The Turkish opposition parties, who does not understand this, unfortunately serves the enemy.”

Monday, 06 January 2020 00:00


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 Yüce Allah, şöyle buyuruyor:


“Hayır, Allah'ın nizamı onların sandığı gibi değildir! Doğuların ve batıların Rabbine yemin ederim ki, biz onların yerine kendilerinden daha hayırlı insanlar getirmeye kadiriz. Bizim elimizden kurtulan, gücümüzün yetmediği hiçbir şey yoktur.” (Mearic, 70/40-41).

“Eğer topyekûn seferber olmazsanız, Allah sizi acı bir azaba uğratır ve sizin yerinize başka bir topluluk getirir de siz savaşa çıkmamakla Onun dinine zerrece zarar veremezsiniz. Çünkü Allah her şeye kadirdir.” (Tevbe, 9/39)

“Onları yaratan ve organlarını birbirine bağlayan ve onlara bu sağlam bünyeyi veren biziz. Dilediğimiz vakit elbette onların yerine başkalarını getirebiliriz.” (İnsan, 76/28)

Sunday, 05 January 2020 00:00

While Waiting for Mahdi (pbuh)

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ASSAM held the 3rd International Islamic Union Congress on 19-20 December 2019 with the main title of “ASRICA [i]Joint Defense Industry Production”. 200 academicians and NGOs from 45 countries attended the congress. According to the congress registration desk data, more than 750 people's entrance cards were printed to enter the congress. The reason I am giving the numbers is because we are talking about a really high level of participation and interest for a meeting organized by a strategic studies center. As an event organization, ASSAM did a great job. ASSAM made this successful work with a little effort.