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Japonya İslam Merkezi Başkanı Nimetullah Halil İbrahim Yurt hocaefendi, Irak Ulemasından Dr. Abdülnasır El-Cenabi ve Pakistan Birliği (Pakistan Unity) Müdürü Dr. Mahmud Alsamarrai ASSAM - Adaleti Savunanlar Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezini ziyaret ettiler. Merkez Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından kendilerine merkezin amacı ve hedefleri konusunda bilgi verildi. Karşılıklı görüş alışverişinde bulunuldu ve ileriye dönük uzun vadeli işbirliği yapılması konusunda temaslar gerçekleştirildi.

The "Islamic World is targeted by the Global Attack" seminar of ASSAM was held on Saturday, November 1, 2014, Bursa in the Uftade Conference and Meeting Hall in the Setbashi Library; in organization with Presidency of Bursa State.


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Friday, 22 June 2018 00:00

CONTINUE For a Strong and Great Turkey

On Sunday June 24, 2018, about 55 million voters will go to the ballot box to elect the president of the Republic of Turkey and the deputies who will serve in the Turkish Grand National Assembly for the first time under the new system, which it previously approved by referendum. Our people have been an example to many world states by identifying the party they want to form a government and its proxy candidate with their free will since the day of the transition to the multiparty period. At the point of holding elections and reflecting the will of the voters to the ballot box, our country has reached a maturity that will be shown with finger.

As the ASSAM, we publish the following statement under the umbrella of the National will Platform, which we are a member of it. 

The constitution (model) that determines the existence and unification of Islamic States, in the light of Holy Quran and understanding of ummah (determined by our prophet’s sunnah);

is aimed gathering Islamic States under a single roof, living and glorifying spirtual values together, producing and sharing material values together.

You could download the constitution (model) draft by clicking below given link.

Adnan Tanrıverdi, the founder of SADAT and the Chief Advisor of the Presidency, responded to the allegations about SADAT. News of Kübra Par from Habertürk...

Critical allegations have long been made against the SADAT International Defense Consultancy Company. Some argue that the AK Party has a paramilitary force; some say “They were the armed civilians who clashed against the soldiers on the evening of July 15”, some say “The Decree Law, which brought civil immunity to judicial immunity, was issued for SADAT”, and some say “SADAT trains opposition groups in Syria, and even fights there themselves.” To ask about all these allegations, I met with Adnan Tanrıverdi, the founder of SADAT and the Chief Advisor of the President, at headquarters of SADAT which is located in Beylikdüzü. Tanrıverdi denied the allegations about militia power. Their ideal is to provide military consultancy services to the official armies of Islamic countries, as provided by US companies, but for the moment they serve with 7 personnel in only one country. He says that they have no activity in Turkey. He openly opposes organizations like People’s Special Operations...

The purpose of  the congress,

Conducting researchs to find out essential institutions and aplicable legistlations of those institutions according to today’s conditions for the purpose of gathering Islamic States under one administration. Sharing an agreeable course of action with Muslim Nations. 




ASSAM announced “Islamic States Confederation Declaration” via press conference.

(Press conference video is below)

The decloration signed by 109 NGOs and hundreds of individuals.

ASSAM attended UNIW 2nd international NGO Exhibition. The 2 days exhibiton held at Eurasia Show Center by 160 NGOs participation from 60 states around the world.

ASSAM conducted two different signature campaign in the exhibiton.

  1. " ASSAM Islamic States Confederation Declaration " Signature Campaign
    1. The declaration which prepared at the end of The first ASSAM International Islamic Union Congress(23-24 November 2017) firstly opened to NGOs’ sign.
    2. The declaration signed by all NGOs those participated the exhibition.
    3. Please, click here to reach the declaration.
    4. Please, click here to give an on-line signature.
  2. USA! Shut Down Your 34 Military Bases In Islamic States And Get Out!
    1. USA has 32 air and 2 sea bases in 34 Islamic States.
    2. USA, who supports Israel (blody nife in Islamic World heart) has to fall into its own pit.  
    3. We are calling all İslamic States to shut down USAs’ bases that based in their territory and territorial waters in a word we are calling to say, USA Get Out!.
    4. Please, click here to attend and support our USA Get Out! signature campaign.

Both campaigns signed by houndreds of people, actively.

Now we are moving our campaign to internet. Please, participate in our campaign.


Monday, 11 December 2017 00:00

The solution is 'Union of Islamic Countries'

The results' declaration of ASSAM Islamic Countries Congress held in Istanbul on 23-24 November was published.

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Zalka, Vice-President of ASSAM, declared in a press release and emphasized on the importance that the Union of Islamic Countries should be established to gather Islamic countries under a common will in order to Welfare of Muslim nations, the security and survival for the states they established, and for the re-appearance of the Islamic world again as a superpower to the historical stage.

In the declaration text of the Confederation of Islamic Countries, held on November 23-24, 2017 in Istanbul, by ASSAM, The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center, it was emphasized that Islamic countries should be gathered under a common will in order to Welfare of Muslim nations, the security and survival for the states they established, and for the re-appearance of the Islamic world again as a superpower to the historical stage. It was also emphasized on the importance of establishing the Parliament of Islamic Countries and the ministries of the Islamic Union. In addition, the principles and procedures of formation the Union of Islamic Countries were listed in 5 articles in the Declaration.

Where it was among demands in the Declaration; "act jointly on Union of Islamic Countries in terms of justice, internal security, external defense and foreign affairs. The declaration was signed by Mr. Adnan Tanriverdi, ASSAM's founder and Chairman of Board, and its administrators, it also will be announced to the concerned countries after being presented to the NGOs to sign it firstly.


Retaired Colonel Ersan ERGÜR, one of vice president of ASSAM, made presentation of “ASSAM Islamic States Confederation Declaration” on 9 December 2017 at Second International NGOs Exhibition, which organized by UNIW and TGTV.

To reach the declaration please click here: 

"The First International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress" was held under the subheading "Past to Future Government Forms" on 23-24 November 2017.

As a result of the ASSAM Congress, the "ASSAM Islamic Countries Confederation - Declaration for the Islamic Union" was approved by the ASSAM Executive Board and it was decided to share the Declaration with the Turkish and Islamic Countries.

The declaration signed by international NGOs will be announced to the public through a press conference at "2nd International NGO Fair" on 9-10 December 2017.

ASSAM – The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center –has held the First International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress on November 23 and 24, 2017 with the subheading of "Past to Future Government Forms."

The ASSAM Board of Directors has accepted the attached “ASSAM Islamic Countries Confederation Declaration for Islamic Union” and it has been resolved to share the Declaration with the public of the Turkish and Islamic countries.

The declaration was first opened to signatures of NGOs. It will then be declared to the relevant Countries.

To participate in the declaration, click here to download the document and sign it and send to ASSAM.

The Declaration will be signed on September 9-10, 2017 at the "2nd IDSB International NGO Fair" and press release will be made.

Saturday, 02 November 2013 00:00

ASSAM Association Regulation

Name Of Association:

Article 1. Name Of Association; “The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center”; 

 Its short name is “ASSAM”.

HEAD OFFICE AND BRANCHES OF THE ASSOCIATION: Article 2. The Association's (ASSAM) Headquarters is Istanbul. ASSAM can open branches and representative offices at home and abroad, establish platforms and become a member of established platforms.

It can be a member of the top organizations, federations and confederations formed by federations at home and abroad. Can establish associations abroad, can become a member of established associations.



ASSAM’s aim: To carry out intellectual studies and establish required institutions to gather Islamic countries under a common will; and to ensure developing the necessary principles of these institutions  for maintain the welfare of Muslim nations, the continuation of established states, and the justice domination with establishment of peace in the world; which will lead to emergence of the Islamic countries as a superpower to the world political stage.

Saturday, 02 November 2013 00:00

ASSAM Association Membership Application Form

The provisions regulating membership in the Charter of the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center are as follows;