If you want to rule the world politically, you must be a strong and self-sufficient country in terms of economy and military. Otherwise, you will have to follow the policy determined by the countries which have the power.
Those who hung the late Adnan Menderes in 1960, those who gave the 1971 Turkish Military Memorandum, those who carried out the September 12 Coup, those who commissioned the February 28 Postmodern Coup, and finally those who attempted the 15 July Coup were all their lineage.
They were the ones who bought a kilogram of iron from Turkey in exchange for a kilogram of cotton. They were the ones who donated Vita oil to us in tins and stole our olive oil for cheap. They were the ones who buried Nuri Killigil and his friends in the gunpowder factory. They were the ones who usurped the future of our Turkey, the Turkish Nation, and us and other Muslims around the world.
They were the ones who designed our history and future by presenting one of us as terrorists and narrow-minded in the face of us in the last century. They were the ones who stole our intelligent people with brain drain and kept us busy with migration of our own brothers.
It is useful to republish the solution proposal of ASSAM Chairman (Retd.) Gen. Adnan Tanrıverdi, who wrote in his article on January 24, 2009 that the way to prevent Israel's attacks, which have been going on for years and are now turning into genocide, is that “Palestine Must Also Have an Army”, because this issue is still up to date.
ASSAM-ASDER E-Seminerleri kapsamında Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı Sn. Yiğit Bulut'un konuşmacı olarak teşrif ettiği “Türkiye Faiz ve Döviz Sarmalından Nasıl Kurtulur?” konulu e-semineri, ZOOM üzerinden ASSAM Başkan Yardımcısı Sn. Ersan Ergür’ün moderatörlüğünde icra edilmiştir.
ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (ASSAM - UHAD) 18. sayısı yayınlandı.
Assam Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (ASSAM-UHAD) 18. sayısı 7 adet makale içermektedir. Makale listesi aşağıda yer almaktadır.
"İstanbul Sözleşmesi'ne Assam Reddiyesi ve Feshine Destek Beyannamesi" için TIKLAYINIZ.
The President's decision to abolish the 19 March 2021 Istanbul Convention, published in the Official Gazette dated 20 March 2021 and numbered 31429:
The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress is to make determinations on the academic and political grounds related to current problems in Global politics especially in the geography of Islamic Countries and to provide means to the decision makers about institutions required to gather Islamic countries under a common will and the necessary legislation for these institutions.
Our condolences to our nation
We are deeply saddened by the loss of 13 young children of our country, who have been fighting against terrorism in the region for nearly half a century, in a treacherous terrorist attack.
4. International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Full Paper Book published. Click here to access the book.
ASSAM Güvenlik ve Strateji Uzmanı E. SAT Komandosu Mehmet Emin Koçak kaçırılan Türk gemisi hakkındaki Umut Emre Çınar İle Siyaset Limanı Programı'na katıldı. KOÇAK, Mozart isimli Türk gemisinin kaçırılması ve alınması gereken tedbirler hakkında detaylı değerlendirmelerde bulundu.