The years 1715, 1815, 1911-1915 were years for the Ottoman Empire, and the years 2011-2015 for the entire Islamic World, when very influential events occurred, the world order was reshaped and the world was almost formatted. In these periods, while the “sick west” always won, we constantly lost and regressed. It is too early to say anything about the 2011-2015 period. Because the war is still going on and it is not yet clear who will win. Our nation will decide in 2023 where this war will evolve for Türkiye. Are we aware of it?
Son günlerde, İsveç başta olmak üzere, bazı kuzey Avrupa ülkelerinin vatandaşları tarafından Yüce kitabımız Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı hedef alınarak tahrip - tahkir ve küfürler, hakaretler edildiği medyaya yansıyor. Duyarlı samimi her bir Müslümanın bu durumdan büyük bir acı ve üzüntü duymaması mümkün değildir. Allah’ın laneti, münkirlerin üzerlerine olsun!
Çoğunlukla İsveç ve Almanya’da yerleşen bölücü örgüt militanlarından ve sempatizanlarından İsveç’tekiler; her fırsatta ülkemize bayrağımıza ve devletimize, Cumhurbaşkanımıza çirkin saldırılarda bulunmaktadırlar. İsveç hükümetleri ülkede yerleşik bölücü terör örgüt mensuplarını Türk yargısına teslim etmekten kaçınmakta, milli ve manevi değerlerini çiğnemesine göz yummakta ve hatta teşvik etmektedir.
After the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the rhetoric of US President George W. Bush in his speech, "Now, every nation must decide, either you are with us or with terrorists!..." had been on global televisions for days.
Military activities are expressed with the concept of defense today. Air defense systems provide deterrence against air attacks against a country, reduce, limit, delay and prevent the effects of attacks. As the name suggests, it is for defense, not for attack. The system has no possibility to attack another country. Since it is designed to be used in the event of a counter-attack, any country that does not intend to attack need not worry as it will not be harmed. Therefore, they serve peace, not war. In this respect, it is not possible to understand the reactions regarding the S-400 Air Defense Systems to be purchased from Russia.
Moreover, a NATO member Greece, just like us, bought S-300 from Russia and placed it in Crete against another NATO member Turkey. Now they are trying to upgrade it to the S-400s. It is known that there are Russian air defense missiles in the Greek Cypriot Administration. Bulgaria and Slovakia have S-300 missile systems. Syria has S-200 and S-300 missiles. Russia has deployed S-400 in Latakia. Israel has the ‘Arrow anti-ballistic missile systems’ developed with the help of the USA. While there are so many air defense systems in our immediate surroundings, the reactions shown to Turkey's S-400 purchase to strengthen its air defense are very interesting.
Şüphesiz İslâm dini mü’minler tarafından son hak din olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu dinin peygamberi Hz. Muhammed (sav) ve kitabı da 23 senede vahiyle kısım kısım inen Kur’an-ı Kerim’dir. Kur’an-ı Kerimin kısım kısım inmesinde peygamberimizin içinde yaşadığı toplum ve onun içerisinde gerçekleşen olaylar etkili olmuştur. Bu olaylar vesilesiyle, ümmetin kıyamete kadar uyacağı dinin hükümleri ve kuralları ortaya çıkmıştır.
Empires broke up at the beginning of the last century. The nations within the empires were organized by the winners of the First World War, as guided statists. Dependent states were sentenced to totalitarian regimes, although they thought they were free. Dictators were guarded and supported by guardian states.
Between the two world wars, the developed states of the west were ruled mostly by fascist dictators, and the Soviets and their affiliates by communist dictators.
After the Second World War, while the democratic systems were settled in the western states, taking the USA and the United Kingdom as an example, Communism was adopted as the management system in Russia and its dependents.
The West formed the NATO block against America, under the leadership of America, and the Soviet Union led by Russia, and the Warsaw Pact against raging capitalism.