Sunday, 10 April 2016 00:00

New Islamic Union

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Islamic Alliance Islamic Alliance

It is stated that the size of the universe, with today's data, is tens of billions of light-years wide at the macro level in the scientific world. Neither science, reason, nor imagination can go any further.

‘This mind does not need to grasp the meaning,

 Because this scale does not carry that much weight’

However, with the light of the Qur'an and the light of faith, the truth can be felt and understood. Even if the creatures do not know, the Creator knows everything and makes them live in the best way possible. Believers believe in him based upon their rank. In this way, every side and every being become illuminated, gains its true meaning and becomes illuminated. The whole realm of existence is perceived with all its beauty and reality.

The universe, from its atom to its cell, from its stars to its galaxies, from its angels to its jinns and its human beings, with all its existence that we do not know, is a sacred language that describes its Creator, its Lord, and its greatness cannot be expressed in words, it is a divine rite.

We, the people of faith, bow down in ruku' and prostrate ourselves to our Almighty Lord, saying, “We heard and obeyed, O Allah,” with great gratitude and praise, with endless astonishment and love.

As one of our poets said:

‘Who's good, the old man goes away while he’s watching’

While we are trying to explain this beauty a little bit, I see our old man is going away.

Mevlana, who found the true love, did not rise to the sky in vain...

What comes to our tongues and hearts is just…Masha Allah…! Allahu Akbar…! Subhan Allah…! Alhamdulillah…! 

While even a simple building was not built for the sake of business, such a magnificent, perfect and wonderful universe was not created and kept alive for the sake of a play or a toy. In proportion to the importance, greatness and grandeur of existence, its mighty, majestic, creator and sustainer have the great, lofty divine goals and divine purposes of Allah.

The biggest and the first issue that needs to be resolved for humanity, the most important creature that can make an accounting in the palace of the universe, - thank our unlimited Lord; In this huge universe, which is constantly changing and renewing, whose end, limit, greatness, and nature we live and live in with awareness, cannot be known or known by anyone other than its Creator and the one who keeps it alive, that is, ALLAH; It is a matter of understanding the questions 'What are we, what are we doing here, From where, why did we come and Where are we going', in the light of revelation… First of all, it is the necessity of solving this crucial issue without glossing over or ignoring it, as our Lord desires, and then being able to live directly according to this most lofty and terrifying and tremendous truth... In the Divine Court, in the apocalypse, everything will be built on this ground. It will be weighed and measured. It will be graded accordingly.

In Allah's beautiful universe, Allah's servants have to live as Allah wishes and is pleased. It is our greatest job, our cause, to be able to migrate from the world to the hereafter by gaining the approval of our Lord with faith and good deeds. As they say to deceive people, the grave is not a place of sleep and rest. Not thinking about the grave and beyond is only what animals do.

In this universe, which is the great realm, living and variable like the 80-100 trillion cells in his body; How aware of these divine purposes and divine purposes is the small realm human being, and today's HUMANITY, who are given partial discretion and placed on his shoulders, separate and different from other beings? In what proportion does he live in accordance with these divine purposes?  

According to Allah (SWT)'s own holy declaration, since He will not send a new religion, a new scripture or a new prophet, according to the most perfect last messenger and the most perfect book he sent; It is to learn and teach, to live and let live, to convey, to represent in the best way, to other servants of Allah in the most correct way and in the best way possible.

If we look back at our own world, the World of Islam, this is what we see. In the name of all our sacred things, in the name of unity, harmony and solidarity, the condition of humanity, especially of the Islamic world, is deplorable. It is too much to say about this. Our devastated state is evident. In the direct and bitter expression of General Adnan TANRIVERDI;

'- An undeclared, secret, insidious, dirty and asymmetrical war is being waged against the Islamic world. We can call this is ‘an undeclared dirty World War III.’

So what is our duty now?  What are we supposed to do? Are we going to sit down and just look at what has been done and cry? Will we always look back and be sad?

Shall we not ask, how does Allah want us, that is, his faithful servants, to serve him now? Shall we not wonder what fate wants from us?  Do not we need to do some serious accounting? Of course, we need to do.

Especially at this time and in the ground, it is essential, indispensable, that we, as the Ummah of Muhammad, provide the ‘ISLAMIC UNION’, which is the greatest obligatory duty, in the words of Said Nursi, in the way our Lord desires and is pleased with? We have to implement the ‘SLAMIC UNION’, our phoenix, which we have not been able to achieve, in a practical way, in a way that will please our Lord. In the words of His Holiness Haji Bayram Wali;

‘I was looking for a cure for my problem, I used to say my problem was cure for me’

For this reason, how will we establish the ‘NEW ISLAMIC UNION’ before the end of the world? This will be our biggest problem in terms of being the real Ummah of Muhammad, this problem will also be a cure for us, Insha’Allah. This will be our ‘Leyli’ that will make us all ‘Majnun’, if not, it should be.

No need to worry. There is Allah. This case is the cause of Allah, religion is His religion. If the unity of mind and heart is achieved, it means that half of the work is completed. Whoever does not know where to go will not reach anywhere in his life, and especially he will never reach his goal. If billions of Muslims, who all turn to the same qibla in prayer, read the same holy scripture, and are ummah of the same prophet, cannot agree on this obvious issue, then we need an ‘adjustment’ of divine measure that will be healed immediately. Whoever looks in the same direction sees the same thing. When you turn to the sun, all the darkness stays behind you...

Again, in the words of Said Nursi;

‘Your strong weapon and trench against all this is the Islamic Brotherhood. Know how much it is an enemy of conscience and hostility to the purpose of Islam to shake this fortress of Islam with petty enmity and excuses, and come to your senses.’

‘O followers of faith! If you do not want to be enslaved in disgrace, pull yourself together! Against the oppressors who take advantage of your conflict, “Believers are only brothers and sisters”, enter the holy temple and take shelter. Otherwise, you can neither protect your life nor defend your law.’

Here, O people of faith, your strength will be lost due to your passions and hostile biases and you can easily be crushed.

The relationship of the believer with other believers is like the stones of a building holding each other. (H.Sharif) Make the supreme law a principle of life, get rid of the misery of the world and the troubles in the hereafter!’

As summary: For the sake of these lofty goals, we all need to fight for Allah with all our might and work in the most efficient ways and ways. We are obliged to do this duty, which is fardh. It's time to produce solutions, not words. We should be individuals and societies, not the ones who are the problem, not the ones that produce problems, but also for the Muslims, not fighting and causing conflict, but on the contrary, uniting them on the right path and offering solutions that will provide the salvation of the world and the hereafter for all humanity. We must be the true Ummah of Muhammad and true Muslims. The poor quality of anything is bad, its value is low. It is really much worse to be a poor-quality person. What type of people do you think Hell will be filled with? A true Muslim means the highest quality human being.

May Allah grant us all the ability to be good and perfect people who fulfill their duties duly.

When we use any vehicle, more indicators are checked in adverse weather conditions, icy, slippery, dangerous roads and situations. Maximum care is taken not to make any mistakes and thus not to fall victim to any accident. Now is the time for us as Muslims to observe the spiritual signs in the most correct way.

For this, we must listen to the main sources, the heavenly books, our book, the Qur'an, the real experts of the business, the prophets, especially our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the awliyas, the asfiyas, the rulers... Just as we believe in the existence of 'atoms-electrons' that we cannot see with the naked eye, but whose existence we do not doubt by relying on their experts, we should be able to benefit from and make use of those beautiful people properly by relying more on the experts of spirituality, just as we do not doubt their existence. As our National Poet Mehmet Akif expressed;

'Inspiration directly from the Qur'an

 We must present Islam to the understanding of the whole century’

We Muslims cannot look at events such as materialists, naturalists, worldists, materialists, unfortunately all kinds of new types of pagans, imperialists, etc. that exist in our world today, what is happening in the world of humanity, the universe, life and all other beings. Like them, we - Allah forbid - stay in brutality, in the darkness of endless blasphemy. While our world and our hereafter would be Heaven, it will turn into Hell.

The truth is that those who see the world like soulless, lifeless mechanical instruments cannot see anything but matter.

We humans, who are addressed to Allah, Who created and lived in the most beautiful way in such a magnificent and astonishing universe, and who created the Universe and all beings, have a responsibility to the owner of the universe, with the size of the universe, its importance, and the sensitivity of atoms and particles. In this proportion, what people do and will do will have echoes in the universe, in other realms, in the Supreme Court, in heavens and hells. There is no joke in our issue, Allah, Who created us and kept us alive in such a world, will make us live in such worlds as well, and we will witness everything as the first interlocutor. May Allah bless our fate.

For this truth, ‘Heaven is not cheap, even Hell is not superfluous.’

It is said, ‘A Lord who has blessed you like this will not leave you unattended so that you can enter the grave and rest...’

Hundreds of verses and hadiths, what more has been said and requested on this issue. Our religion is brand new… As long as we know how to listen. Let’s read it and understand. Let's act on what we have learned.

The realm of existence and experiences are not viewed only on the human plane and with the deficient and short dimensions of human beings, as most people do today. It would look very wrong. It is deceived by someone else… It becomes a loser. Losing, being deceived, demonizing is not something to brag about. It is not a skill, it is not an ingenuity at all.

It is necessary to look at the existence, what we do and what we will do, in its entirety, with all its aspects, from the soul of the one who created the whole existence.

Then, it is necessary and essential for us to live according to Allah, who gave life in all its aspects and sent a prophet and Qur’an.

Everything we humans do and will do is within these crucial dimensions. It requires responsibility and attention in proportion to its greatness.

‘O human… ! Do not think yourself as a stray. Because, if you look at this world that we are guests in this way; you cannot see anything out of order or aimless. How can you stay out of order or aimless?

Now I come to the present day from this perspective. I felt compelled to make such an explanation. Because we live in a quite strange time. As Muslims, we must be aware of the times we live in. Unfortunately, we are not fully aware of it. In today's world, humanity has made the world very small; people often get lost in the devices they made with their own hands. It seems disconnected from real life. Humanity has been spiritually evolved, apeized and destroyed by the values of the ‘superstitious west’. Many of the good-looking ones are just as good as the hormone foods… Those who fall into this state are in a position to transform into beings of a completely virtual, artificial and false world. What problems of humanity can they cure? Can it go beyond being a nuisance?

They are so drunk and heedless that most of them come to themselves only with their death.

We all know that, or we should know that ‘The real calamity and harmful calamity is the calamity that befalls the religion. It is always necessary to take refuge in Allah and cry out from the calamity that befalls the religion.’

In the entire history of the human world, especially the Islamic world, the greatest chaos, calamity and sedition first experienced the Mongol - Genghis - Hulagu strife. Those were exemplary, terrifying and brutal times. Pens and writers are incapable of describing those atrocities. Those who are curious, those who want to take a lesson, should open it and ask the correct history about what happened at that time.

The world of humanity, especially for the Islamic world, is experiencing the greatest strife in its history, the strife of the End Times, the strife of the Dajjal Sufyani, the mischief and chaos we are still living in, this time coming from the west for humanity. Statistics say that more than ten million Muslims have been killed in various ways in the last ten years, but honest people bring it up. Our old world has never seen such atrocities, massacres, injustice and cruelty in the last century. In the last hundred years alone, around 100 million people have been killed by human hands in two different world wars. Terrible!

My concern is not to describe the darkness… Not the horror of fire and the western depiction. Everyone who has a conscience, mercy and faith suffers from these darknesses, is blazed by the fire of this fire and is trying to get rid of it.

My question is, how can we all be light and light in this darkness? How can we put out this great fire together?

How does the NEW ISLAMIC UNION come to life, and where and from which end of the issue can we hold it?

We look at the past years, the present, the history and sciences that tell the truth. There is much to be hopeful about and much has been done. God bless all those who did that services.

In fact, there is no hopelessness in our religion and our belief… there cannot be. How can a person who says ‘Allah’ be depressed and hopeless? Enthusiasm is our absolute motto.

I am looking ahead. The very lofty works and efforts that we will do and have to do are waiting for us. How should we be organized in order to achieve this? What organized efforts should we set up? Everyone should be in the most correct, most productive, and result-oriented point and working within the divine criteria under their own conditions. We must show our side as soon as possible, like the lame ant trying to put out the fire of Nimrod, which made a mountain fire to burn Abraham (pbuh) and to eliminate his true religion. Those who show their side should also increase their efforts. Especially for those who are over 55 years old like me, there is not much time left. Hang on my soul, make an effort, the end of the road is in sight... I am calling out to my soul. In this marathon of life, I feel that I am at the level of ‘sprinting’.

ASDER (Justice Defenders Association) – ASSAM (Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center is a great opportunity for me and for those who want to be useful in this field. May Allah preserve and develop these institutions of ours. May it serve as a sprout in great and good deeds. A sign is enough for the knowledgeable.

As our deceased brother Ali İhsan TOLA said;

If we could prove our spiritual maturity, our Almighty Lord will grant us all kinds of beauty. Have no doubts.

Just as those who do not know Islam correctly think it is, or those who do not like it, such as the imperialists who feed on blood and strife, deliberately try to show Islam and Muslims as vengeance; We have the obligation to show and convince the whole world in the most beautiful ways and methods that ‘ISLAMIC UNION' is not something to be feared, on the contrary, it will not only be a mercy for Muslims but also a mercy for them, as it will be instrumental in establishing world peace all over the world. It is imperative that we show the world of mercy, that Islam is a religion of mercy, and that it also saves our world and our hereafter from being hell and makes us heaven.

Humanity is on its toes during this period, especially because of the scourge of terror and anarchy. No one knows where or what is going to happen. Everyone is worried about what kind of chaos Anarchism and Terrorism will cause in the world. Anyway, I will keep it short because this is a subject on its own that needs to be examined in detail...

IN BRIEF: 'Every soul will taste death.’ A verse from the Quran

‘A person who clings to the Sunnah and the truth of the Qur'an at the time of the invasion of lies and heresy can earn the reward of a hundred martyrs.’ Hadith

My Lord! Grant us the opportunity to taste death as a martyr by your endless grace, by gaining your consent and affection, by performing the duties you asked us to do as you are pleased, by seeing the ISLAMIC UNION, by hanging the flag of victory like Ulubatlı Hasan, and by carrying your glorious name to the sky. Amen.

İbrahim TÖRE


Read 1181 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 April 2022 17:18
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