Wednesday, 02 March 2022 13:17

Introduction to the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

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From the first day of the invasion of Ukraine, every soldier, political scientist, sociologist, international relations expert, strategist or academician who appeared on Turkish TV and made comments; They talked about Russia's invincibility, Putin's legendary leadership, the destructive power of Russian weapons, and so Ukraine would be destroyed in a few days. Although we have come to the 7th day of the conflict today, the same people stubbornly continue their scientific errors by saying with the same logic that Ukraine will not be able to endure and that Kiev will fall soon. An incredible error of logic! If these people knew how the Chechen War had troubled Russia for 2.5 years, the most brutal and forbidden weapons, including vacuum bombs, were used against a nation of 2 million people, or if they had done a scientific investigation, they would not have talked like this.


Ukraine is the country with the largest surface area in Europe and is 603 thousand square kilometers. Its population is over 45 million. It is said that the Russian expeditionary forces attacking here are 135 thousand people. Can the whole Ukraine be invaded with such a small force? Chechnya had no army, no air power, no state, it was a simple Soviet administrative region, they have hard time to the Russians with guerrilla warfare. How will you invade a country with 75 people per square kilometer with a small-scale Russian army with 1 soldier per 5 square kilometers!? It is possible? Absolutely not. Besides, Ukraine has a big state organization, it has an army, it has a navy, it has an air defense force, it has an air force. “Today is the 7th day of the operation, and it is stated by Western sources that Russia could not achieve air superiority.” In such an environment, all analysts show that invading Ukraine would be child's play for the Russians, a serious mistake is an unforgivable mistake. The interesting thing is they keep repeating the same mistake. They cannot see the truth that has a veil over their eyes! In this context, the analyzes of the three commentators should be remembered with appreciation and praise. The first was Dr. Hulki Cevizoğlu, and the second was Takvim Newspaper columnist Bülent Erandaç. Hulki Cevizoğlu made an important reminder to the decision makers by expressing the rights of Turkey in the Montreux Convention, especially by mentioning the implementation of Articles 19-20 and 21. Bülent Erandaç, on the other hand, stated that Russia was pushed into such a conflict and revealed that Russia was trapped. Prof Mesut Hakkı Caşın is a professor we all respect. He is an indomitable fighter in defending Turkey's interests.

The interesting thing is that the TAF origin commentators who appeared on TV were thought to not watch any TV channel other than the Ulusal Kanal. If you look at the Ulusal Kanal, the occupation of Ukraine by Russia is for Turkey's interest, it means that Putin's Russia's revolt against imperialism. It is an operation to strangle imperialism. The USA is the head of imperialism. Everything that is against the USA is right and right; NATO is an imperialist organization under the command of the USA. Could such a way of thinking be right? In order to reveal this, I think it is necessary to make an analysis on what imperialism is and what it is not.

Imperialism, in the meaning of the word, is to spread and dominate on the basis of interest, based on the word commanding-ruling. 

In Islam, interest is not the main goal, the main salvation is to have Allah's mercy. The poor have rights over the wealth of the rich. Because property is not absolute value, it belongs to Allah.

According to the Marxist theory, the bourgeois class (more precisely, those who are too rich to count their money, the “parasites”) is the element that exploits the worker-peasant class (productive elements). Property should be transferred to the public and distributed, exploitation should be eliminated.

According to the late Prof. Mahir Kaynak, there is a global capital that controls the financial system. Global Capital is a serious actor; it governs states and global organizations. The finance and banking system are monopolized. They rule all whole humanity. These are the imperialists or the ruling class.

According to the late Prof. Necmettin Erbakan, imperialism around the world is racist Zionism. They hold the global capital in their control. For the last 3 centuries, they have been ordering the world according to their own interests under the name of the new world order. The structure that makes states and peoples indebted, exploits and makes them fight is under their control. This is the real imperialism. 

Perinçek's idea is based on classical Marxist philosophy, analysis has no material basis. Mahir Hodja is telling the truth but when he talks global capital, he avoids expressing only that the main power behind it is Jewish capital. In fact, Necmettin Erbakan made the most accurate analysis. 

Now when you look at these events in Ukraine, if you do not use the analysis technique in the style of Erbakan, you will not be able to make correct predictions, you will not be able to reach correct results.

Who is President of Ukraine Zelenskyy? Why was he brought to the power of this country? What duty he will fulfill? What will be the result of this war? What will be the interests and security of Turkey? It is necessary to investigate the issue in depth in order to answer all these questions.

Yes, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a crying Jew by visiting the Western Wall wearing a kippah. He was appointed head of Ukraine by Global Capital, just like Macron.

In the rest of the article, we will analyze the roadmap through the Ukrainian invasion and Russian expansionism.



Read 235 times Last modified on Friday, 04 March 2022 17:21