Monday, 15 November 2021 10:35

The Meaning of Intelligence and Western Thought -I-

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A unique series of articles begins with this article. No such article has been written so far, describing Global Intelligence and its areas of action. Here is the first article of the series “The Meaning of Intelligence and Western Thought” please welcome... 

The word “intelligence” has various meanings in different languages. In countries such as the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, intelligence, wisdom, cunning; in Latin-influenced countries such as Germany, Italy, France it means gathering news and information; in Russia and eastern bloc countries, it means security and precaution; in Turkish, intelligence is understood as news gathering, espionage, stealing information and documents. The first founder of systematic intelligence in the world is China, just as they found all kinds of torturing methods...

Terms and names related to intelligence in Turkish are mentioned in many documents. In Old Turkish, the news staff is called çaşıt(spy). It is also used in the sense of telling or knowing the secret stuff. In the Mongols, news personnel are called Tatar and yamci. Intelligence is provided by the news network called Martolos, Voynuk, Ulak in the border principalities of the Ottoman Empire.

Although the only purpose of intelligence organizations is called country defense or country interests, it is known that they are used with meanings that go beyond these purposes. Goals such as spreading global influence and continuing to maintain superiority often refer to an area of authority that transcends the concepts of defense and security. Mastery in breaking the rules of law and making up a legal cover for legitimacy constitute the wisdom aspect of intelligence.

Intelligence, which means gathering information, news, security in the languages of other nations, in countries such as the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, means intelligence, game-making, and the exact equivalent of evil in Turkish language. A game within a game, an evil within an evil…

Let’s explain this situation with a joke that Hami Çakır recently told: One day, two beggars appear at the door of a church... One of them has a clean and bright face, the other is scruffy, dark-faced, the kind that people avoid looking at...

An inscription in front of the bright one; “I’m a poor Christian, please help.” The one with the dark-faced also has an inscription in front of him; “I am a Jew who lost all his possessions in gambling and adultery. I need money.”

After the Sunday mass, all those who leave the church pass in anger in front of the Jewish beggar and give alms to the bright-faced Christian beggar... It goes on like this for weeks...

Finally, the priest takes pity on the Jewish beggar, approaches him and says;

“Look, you've been begging here for weeks, you haven't been able to collect a penny of alms. The one who sees you gets angry and gives the money to the other beggar. If you remove the inscription in front of you, if you don't say that you are Jewish, if you don't mention gambling and adultery or anything, you will get three or five pennies.”

The Jewish beggar smiles, turns to the other beggar and says: “Did you hear Salomon? The priest tries to teach us business”...

About 25 years ago, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said; “We have prepared the Greater Middle East Plan, the borders of 22 countries in the Middle East will change, many countries will be divided, there will be Arab Spring, Arabs will transition to democracy. (A spring that smells of blood and gunpowder, what kind of spring is it?) The whole world believed this saying. The USA will do whatever it wants, it does what is in favor of humanity, it is the only hegemonic power, it does whatever it wants, no one has the power to oppose it. Let’s see what it will do?” Meanwhile, US Presidential adviser Karl Christian Rove had this to say: “If the United States decides to make the world believe in something, it does, it is capable of changing that belief from time to time.”

What can be understood from this expression: Even if the USA divides a country and drags it into civil war, it can convince everyone that it is something good, it can convince the world public that it is doing good, and in order to do this, it has a great intelligence, information gathering, influencing the internal system of local states, US is making the wrong, right and the bad, beautiful.

It is of great importance to investigate how the Anglo-Saxon regard's intelligence methodology is based on information gathering, persuasion, deception, i.e. satanic methods, how they trap the target country, how they let the audience they deceive, and how they poison the world public opinion.  Lastly, as seen in the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, we saw how they failed people who had their destiny tied to them, people fell down from aircrafts. We saw the brutal attack on Kunduz Province on Friday, 8.10.2021 through DAESH[1]. We know that these organizations were set up in CIA headquarters, that militants were trained there, that they were unscrupulously convinced of perverted ideologies, that they were brainwashed, that they gave weapons and equipment for suicide attacks. They do the same thing against Turkey through the PKK-PYD in Syria. Just two days ago, 2 of our police officers were martyred and one was injured.

In conclusion, we say that the name of evil in Anglo-Saxon thought is intelligence. The other name of Intelligence is evil. The purpose of intelligence in this regard is to set the target society against each other, to prepare the ground for the invasion, to save power to eliminate the enemy, and to ensure global surrender. How they do this, what tools they use, what are the motivation and persuasion tools, we will examine this issue.



[1],zGRvdBW6rEuKxH0u7VcZeg [Date Accessed: 11.10.2021]


Other articles in this series

How Does the Plan and Mentality of the West Affect Intelligence? -II-


Read 315 times Last modified on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 15:03
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