Friday, 26 November 2021 08:51

English Notes on the War of Intelligence-Vl

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MAP: 5 On the map that Wilson drew in 1918, there is no indication that Izmir will be given to Greece. Kurdistan is shown outside the borders of today's Turkey. On this map, the island of Lemnos and Kastellorizo are seen as they belong Turkey. They envision establishing small Christian or small states in places marked in green.

Almost all of the intelligence agents that England trained and sent as agents were the mischievous children of rich and noble families. They are very well educated and they learn several languages. In particular, they read the books written by orientalists and travelers, and they had studied history and geography in the field of orientalism. Religious people adhere strictly to the Christian identity, few of them converted to Muslims. They defend the expansionist-colonial interests of Britain with fervent spirit. The rivalry between them was that they were following the right path in defending Britain's interests. Some were Arabists, some Zionists, some were Kurdist, and the Intelligentsia coordinated their efforts. When British intelligence agencies chose their agents, they preferred the creative personality rather than the molder. The principle of “not leaving any weapon that can be used without trying” is the basic thought of British intelligence policy. Even when reconciling, they managed to entrap the opponent. They have succeeded not to offend or frighten the opponent while fighting-arguing. While the British policy took revenge, it was very resentful and definitely made the other side pay the price. In the next part of the article, we will continue to explain how they do this.

When World War I started, Cairo became the main base of the British Intelligentsia. Mc Mahon, an advanced-level Freemason, became the British High Commissioner in this country, headed all intelligence agencies in the region. His first contact with the Arab rebels was Herbert Kitchener, who served as the British Minister of War at the beginning of the famous First World War, which we know very well from the Gallipoli Campaign that replaced him. His interlocuter was Sharif Hussein, Emir of Mecca. Bell, Lavrens, Sykes and Lehman established an “Arab Bureau” in Cairo to disintegrate the Ottoman geography. They made contact with the Arab tribal chiefs. They advised them not to obey the Ottomans. The amount of money distributed to the tribal chiefs by the hands of these intelligence agents is 200 million gold. 700 billion Turkish Lira or 100 billion US dollars at today's equivalent value. It is said that money and woman corrupt the man. Such a large bribe can seduce and revolt even the most loyal tribes around the world.

No matter how much the media exaggerates Lavrens, the truth is clear. The Arab Revolt, which was carried out through Sharif Hussein, was not successful. Lavrens' record is full of exaggerations. It was not successful in Palestine and Syria.

The Arab Revolt debacle ended the chances of Arabists in the Intelligentsia. In London, the cabinet changed, and the Zionist-prone Lloyd George became Prime Minister, and Balfour (Arthur Balfour) became Minister of Foreign Affairs. With the appointment to the Ministry of War, Major Frederik Kich, of Jewish origin, who was an incredible supporter of Zionism, was appointed head of the British Middle East Branch. According to the memoirs of Kich, whose relationship with the Zionists goes back to his youth, he is a 21-level freemason in the Quetta lodge. Noting that he devoted his life to Freemasonry, Kich's first job after his appointment would be to go to Egypt and hold consultation meetings with Arab, Jewish and Christian “brothers” in lodges and provide their support for the Arab Revolt. (We do not know if British intelligence has contacted the Unionist (Turkish) Freemasons.)

At that time, Jewish intelligence officer Aaronson is determined to contact the British Intelligence. He is arrested by the British Police Service (Scotland Yard) for his suspicious actions. The British at first treated him, as he put it, as if they were listening to stories. Aaron takes out confidential documents bearing Djemal Pasha's signature from his bag, and at that moment the situation changes. It is sent to the military intelligence of the Ministry of War. “Sir Mark Sykes” was the one who showed the most interest in the services offered by this volunteer spy. It was James Aratoon Malcolm, a leading member of the anti-Turkish front in London, who brought him together with Sykes. Malcolm is an Armenian who is a notorious Turkish enemy.

After this meeting, Mark Sykes decides to meet with the Jewish intelligence agency and take advantage of their power. He dreams of establishing an Armenian-Arab-Zionist alliance. Despite his anti-Semitic background, when Sykes meets Aaronson, he will place British Middle East policy in the orbit of Zionism. “Zionism is the key that will open this lock,” he said.

Along with Malcolm, Sykes also works with one of the Armenian leaders, Bogos Nubar. Finally, he said, “We are now devoted to Zionism, the freedom of the Armenians and the Arab independence.”

Britain promised the Zionists a Jewish homeland. After a cabinet meeting on October 31, 1917, Sykes would come out with a document in his hand and to the Zionist leaders waiting at the door;

“D.Weizmen, you have a son!”

The Balfour Declaration is the deed of Israel. Even that day, authorities knew that this commitment would establish a state for the Jews.

A British official said: “We cannot pay for their services no matter what we do for them.”

With the agreement signed by Sir Mark Sykes (1879-1919) on behalf of Britain and François Georgis Picot (1870-1951) on behalf of France, they shared the entire Middle East between them. When the Jewish organization got involved, the form of alliances changed. In this way, Sykes backed away from the plan to divide the Ottoman lands, which he also led and signed with his French and Russian allies in 1915. He began to calculate that with the winds of Zionism, Britain would take the largest share in the Middle East and that the job would be accomplished without any help. Sykes, the intelligence officer behind all the plots in the Middle East, died of pneumonia in 1919 while struggling for the realization of Zionist ambitions at the Paris Peace Conference. (Of course the Russians and French did not understand who was cheating?)

After meeting with Sykes and deciding to work together, Aaron tried to imitate the Armenian revolutionaries by fabricating the “Ottomans are killing the Jews in Palestine story” and spreading it to the world public opinion. In this way, he not only plays into the hands of the British, but also receives constant financial aid from USA for his own purposes. Baron Rothschild and the American Jews loosened their purse strings. Before the Jerusalem expedition, Allenby sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, writing that he would seize Jerusalem by January and would give him a Christmas present. Then he occupied southern Palestine. His first words when he entered Jerusalem was: “Here is the Crusade ended today.”

The main slogan of the Jewish Nili organization was: “Netzach Israel Lolshakere”; Israel's future will never be blocked.

The separation of the Middle East from the Ottoman Empire was the result of a century of intelligence activities. The process that started with provoking the Arabs was completed with the efforts of Zionist agents.

Djemal Pasha and his friends gave a unique opportunity to England and France, who wanted to separate the Arabs from the Ottomans by making the Turks and the Arabs clash each other.

British intelligence officers said that since the Unionists left the religion with Turkist, nationalist and anti-Islamic ideas and were infidels, so there is no longer to obey the state; as a result, fatwas were issued that rebellion was fard. They did this through collaborationist tribal leaders, Christian Arab nationalists and recruits. Just like the US and the Israeli lobby did to the CFR-linked elements inside us today…

Among the British, it was said that “the only thing to rely on Arabs is their unreliability.” They did not rely on the Arabs. They were using against each other and not playing with a single move.

The British policy, which said, “We are not destroying the Ottoman state in order to establish a stronger Islamic State,” aimed to establish small Arab States. It was their basic assumption that there was enmity between them.

After 1918, Nuri Pasha's Caucasian Expedition and Enver Pasha's departure to Central Asia were considered as “Turkish Awakening”. It was considered to contradict British imperial aims. It was the Zionists who conveyed to the intelligence officers in Moscow that this awakening would also have disadvantages for Russia's interests.

It was the Zionists who brought the Anglo-Russian intelligence services together in a way that persuaded them to oppose the Turkism movement identified with Enver Pasha, disabled the Turkist Unionists with assassinations and smothered these developments in the womb.

The Zionists played an important role in establishing the “Armenian, Arab, Zionist” alliance in line with Sykes' plan, whether in Russia or in the Middle East, against the Islamism and Turkism practices of the Unionists. They surrounded the Turks and forced them to retreat to the Anatolian Peninsula.

According to the map prepared by the British with the title of caliph of the Arabs given to Sharif Hussein before the First World War, all the Arabia-Yemen-Damascus-Iraq belonged to Sharif Hussein.

While Lawrence was doing business with Sharif Hussein, Captain Shakespeare saw Ibn Saud as the leader who would unite the Arabs under one banner. Abdulaziz hosted Ibn Saud at the British representation in Kuwait and treated him as the sole ruler of the Arabs. He often visited the Wahhabi leader, urging him to revolt, advising the Arabs not to help the Ottoman army and not to support with soldiers.

When the First World War broke out, the Arab chieftain, Ibn Rashid, declared his loyalty to the state and prevented the Saudis from siding with the British.  Shakespeare reported to the secret service the defeat and elimination of Ibn Rashid, who was supported by the Ottomans, in order to drag the Arabs into revolt. He repeatedly expressed the view that the only way to control Arabia was to achieve the independence of Ibn Saud with British support.  For this reason, at a time when the forces of Ibn Saud and Ibn Rashid clashed, he was under a shooting spree. He died on January 24, 1916, at the age of 36. After this incident, British policy began to take a side with Ibn Saud.

Against Saud, Sharif Hussein proclaimed his caliphate in March 1924 to strengthen his position. This attempt backfired. Sharif was disliked by the Arabs. …His name was called the “British Agent”.

Thereupon, the British Foreign Ministry completely withdrew its support from Hussein and supported the Saudis.

Philby's offer to Sharif Hussein, who said, “You sold me and my country!” is the advice of “make a deal with Saudi”. As a result of a masterful maneuver, Saud will dominate the Hejaz with the support of the British; Sharif Hussein will find salvation by escaping and taking refuge in Cyprus.

At the time when Sharif Hussein was preparing for the revolt, the policy of bipartisanship among the Arabs continued; On the one hand, Sharif was negotiating with Babı Ali, on the other hand, he was not missing the opportunity to set the British and the French against each other. Tribes also participated in this double game in their own way, and Nuri Shalan (Druze leader) was one of them. (It should be noted that between 1920 and 1924 there were two governments in Turkey. Government in Ankara and Government in Istanbul) (I think that Sharif Hussein was trying to get the support of the Government in Istanbul. Because he applied to Ankara and said “Let's carry out the liberation struggle against the British together”, but Mustafa Kemal Pasha refused and said, “Everyone should do the salvation of their own country separately”.)

Saud said that when they took Mecca, they broke 100,000 hookahs. The Wahhabi bans on alcohol and cigarettes were on point. They considered things such as beds, tables and chairs to be luxuries and broke them. They considered it a virtue to sit cross-legged on the ground. They committed endless ignorance and disgrace.  (They made Enver Hoxa do the same primitiveness with the leftist ideology in Albania, and the Saudis with the Islamist ideology in Arabia. The British are the pinnacle of evil intellect.)

Conclusion: Even the devil cannot make the devilishness of the British. In British thought, intelligence is cunning, cunning is evil.

Read 371 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 February 2022 08:57
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