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Speaking to the Milli Gazette, Central African activist İbrahim Osman said that France lost 50 percent of the Central African market and therefore resorted to re-occupation. Stating that systematic pressure was applied against Muslims, Osman said that the Christian Anti-balaka organization, which massacred Muslims and also it was supported by France.

Thursday, 20 March 2014 00:00

Meeting of ASSAM in Antalya (16 March 2014)

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A series of meetings were held in Antalya with the President of ASSAM Retired General Mr. Adnan TANRIVERDİ, Vice President Mr. Abdullah KAPLAN, Mustafa HACIMUSTAFAOĞULLARI, and Sadik Güray BALATEKİN jointly with NGO representatives and academicians in 16-17 March 2014. The meetings were held in the local radio station and were participated by attendance from Denizli, Isparta and Marmaris.


The meeting dealt with the issue of coups and 28 February events, on the other hand, information of ASSAM and SADAT Inc's work was provided.

Wednesday, 04 December 2013 00:00

The definition of ASSAM's vision and mission in Bursa

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On Thursday, 5 December 2013, Chairman of Board Directors of ASSAM, Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi, presented a conference to NGO's in Bursa about ASSAM's Vision and Mission. Many representatives of NGO's participated in the conference.

After the conference, a coordination meeting was held with the ASSAM researchers in Bursa.

Friday, 29 November 2013 00:00

ASSAM'ın Vizyon ve Misyonu Toplantısı

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ASSAM'ın Vizyonu ve Misyonu Toplantısına Davetlisiniz

Yer: Üsküdar Üniversitesi Altunizade Yerleşkesi ÜSKÜDAR
Tarih: 30 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi
Saat: 17:30

Thursday, 26 September 2013 00:00

ASSAM Başkanı Deşifre Programında (27 Eylül 2013)

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ASSAM Başkanı E.Tuğg. Adnan TANRIVERDİ 27 Eylül 2013 Cuma günü 22:00'da aHaber'de yayınlanan Deşifre programına konuk olarak katılmaktadır.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 00:00

ASSAM R4BIA Platformuna Üye Oldu (17 Eylül 2013)

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16 Eylül 2013 Pazartesi günü düzenlenen bir basın toplantısı ile duyurulan Uluslararası Rabia Platformu'na ASSAM'da üye oldu.

Rabia Platformu kendini şöyle tanıtmaktadır;

Biz kimiz?


Bizler bir grup gönüllü olarak;

Darbelere, diktatörlüklere, adaletsiz düzenlere ve kirli medya sistemlerine karşı ortak vicdanın sesini yükseltmek,

Sivil iradeyi, barışı, insan haklarını ve onurunu savunmak,

İnsanlığı tehdit eden haksızlıklara, hukuksuzluklara dünya çapında işbirliği ile karşı çıkmak,

Haksızlık kimden gelirse gelsin, kime yönelik olursa olsun, mazlumdan yana zalime karşı durmak,

R4BIA ruhunun bir insanlık inisiyatifine dönüşmesini temin etmek için bir grup gönüllü olarak R4bia Platformu’nu kurmaya karar verdik ve www.r4abiaplatform.com sitesini açtık.

Bu Platform hiçbir kurumun, kişinin, partinin tek başına sözcülüğünü yapmayacaktır.

Bu Platform kurumların ya da organizasyonların yaptığı veya yapacağı faaliyetleri koordine etmeden, sadece duyurusunu yapacaktır.

Dünyanın neresinde olursa olsun R4BIA eylemlerine destek verecek, bu yeni harekete katkı sağlayacak yeni fikirlerin ve projelerin duyurulmasına yardım edecektir.

Ortak bir akıl, ortak tartışma zemini, ortak duyuru alanı olacak platform, yukarıda sıralanan değerleri sahiplenen, tüm kişi ve kurumlara açıktır.

Abdurrahman Dilipak (Platform Sözcüsü)

Cihangir İşbilir (Platform Koordinatörü)

Platform Gönüllüleri

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Derneğimizin olağan genel kurul toplantısının 28 Eylül 2013 tarihinde saat 10 00’da Yakuplu Mahallesi, Hürriyet Bulvarı, Numara 155, Newport Sitesi Birinci Blok, Kat:7, Daire 55, Beylikdüzü/İstanbul adresinde, aşağıdaki gündeme göre; çoğunluk sağlanamadığı takdirde ikinci toplantının 05 Ekim 2013 tarihinde saat 10 00’da aynı adreste yapılmasına;


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Japonya İslam Merkezi Başkanı Nimetullah Halil İbrahim Yurt hocaefendi, Irak Ulemasından Dr. Abdülnasır El-Cenabi ve Pakistan Birliği (Pakistan Unity) Müdürü Dr. Mahmud Alsamarrai ASSAM - Adaleti Savunanlar Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezini ziyaret ettiler. Merkez Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından kendilerine merkezin amacı ve hedefleri konusunda bilgi verildi. Karşılıklı görüş alışverişinde bulunuldu ve ileriye dönük uzun vadeli işbirliği yapılması konusunda temaslar gerçekleştirildi.

Monday, 03 November 2014 00:00

Islamic World Is Targeted By the Global Attack

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The "Islamic World is targeted by the Global Attack" seminar of ASSAM was held on Saturday, November 1, 2014, Bursa in the Uftade Conference and Meeting Hall in the Setbashi Library; in organization with Presidency of Bursa State.


20141101 133234 u

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The importance of national defense industries on the local tank Production.

Defense industries are, in fact, one of the leading indicators of state independence. It is possible that some countries can deceive their people by playing the role of independence in several areas, but in their first disagreement with their neighbors, it will be clear how independent they are. Our country had experienced this very closely during the 1974 Cyprus Operation. On the other hand, the question asked by every person with conscience and did not bear the Israeli terrorism today against the Palestinians and said, A billion and a half Muslims; if they spat at Israel sank, why cannot do anything?" The truth of the answer to your question lies in the fact that "countries with Muslim peoples are not independent in their defense industries and the manufacturer of weapons determines the definitions of friends and enemies in their weapons systems"; does not it?

The national defense industries projects, which were formed in early years of the establishment of the Republic in 1945, were terminated with American support and just as suits to invisible hands that do not want to implement such projects. After the 74 movement, a new enthusiasm arose but it could not very successful.

Nowadays, it is attempted to leap such projects again; as national infantry rifle, national war helicopters, national tanks, national drones, national air defense systems, national satellites and national warplane.

In this study, we aim to project on the deep and dangerous policy that has been implemented on the firing control systems and Tank Command Control Communication Information System, which is the heart of the tank, and highlight our national defense industry through the ALTAY tank, which is being developed with the National Facilities Tank Production Project (MİTÜP).

For reports about the importance of national defense industries through the local tank industry, click here.