Tuesday, 19 December 2017 00:00

From Where to Start?

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From Where to Start? www.assam.org.tr

Justice Defenders Strategic Research Center (ASSAM) carried out an important activity on the way of the establishment of the Islamic Union in the previous days. A large number of guests attended the 1st International Islamic Union Congress, from many Islamic countries that organized by ASSAM. High level of participation and anticipation of active cooperation reflected on the congress final declaration.

Establisment of cooperation areas, grounds and organizations among Islamic Countries for short, medium and long term is monditory for the hereafter. In order to set potentials into motions in accordance with these purposes; firstly, existing capacities and capabilities need to be mapped on a country basis. Implementation of existing substructures, at first, will set up a model for the future collaborations in different areas. In this context, utilization of Turkey’s existing defense industry capacty by Islamic States is one of the collaboration area that could be esbalished in fastest way.

Almost all of the air, land, and naval platforms in the hands of the Armed Forces of countries other than Syria, including Egypt, located in the Arabian Peninsula, are of us and Western origin. Many of the main materials/systems used by the armies of North African countries, the Balkan countries and the Turkic republics with which we cooperate, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia are the same or similar to the systems in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Benefiting from the maintenance and repair capabilities of the Ministry of National Defense, these countries can serve as the basis for comprehensive military cooperation to be established in the future. The technological infrastructure, trained manpower, organizational structures and mobilization capability in the shipyards and facilities within the Ministry of National Defense General Directorate of Shipyards and the Ministry of National Defense General Directorate of Military Factories have the potential to support a military force as much as TAF as storage level maintenance.

Our 11 maintenance centers are able to meet Saharan repair-maintenance requests that exceed the level of maintenance of the union from abroad with small reinforcements. Storage level maintenance (renovation) requests can be met in 8 main maintenance centers. The existing capacity and capabilities of these main maintenance centers, each of which specializes in certain areas, are initially sufficient for this purpose. In addition, capacity can be increased by abandoning the production of products and services that can be supplied from the civilian industry. TStrengthening the technological infrastructure with modern machines will increase efficiency in modernization, modification and integration activities in addition to additional capacity. The need for spare parts to be used in all these maintenance and repair services will make a separate contribution to the national economy. Such cooperation creates an opportunity for evaluating the idle capacity of sewing workshops of the Ministery of National Defense.

For the coordination and management of these activities, which will be carried out within the framework of military cooperation, in addition to the 6 existing departments within the General Directorate of Military Factories of the Ministry of National Defense, the establishment of "the Department of Foreign Relations" will be sufficient. With the new arrangement made for AFGM circulation capital, fast and flexible working opportunities were obtained close to joint stock companies. In addition to the facilities it will provide in the supply of products and services, it has facilitated the sale of products and services abroad.

This concrete proposal has been written as an answer to the question of where to start. The implementation of this proposal will not consist of meeting the needs of the country concerned. It will serve as an example of cooperation in other areas and military, economic, political, etc. there will be many benefits. Above all, it will be destined to be a means for Muslim countries to gain the ability to act together.

Yakup Evirgen


Read 176 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 January 2023 14:06

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